Is there multiple choice answers?
The expedition was launched in retaliation for Villa's attack on the town of Columbus, New Mexico, and was the most remembered event of the Mexican Border War. The declared objective of the expedition by the Wilson administration was the capture of Villa.
Philip Danforth Armour
He founded the meatpacking company "Armour and Company" in Chicago in 1867, which matches the American businessman and 19th century parts of your question. I hope this helps!
More Progressive legislature
FDR passed legislation like the New Deal and Social Security. When he took office, he instated more progressive policies. Mainly because the Republicans were most to blame for the lead up to the depression. Democrats took a lot more offices but lost some later on because Conservatives were mainly against the policies and rallied against it as wasteful governmental spending. But FDR held his own and continued to push these policies and it helped many younger Americans find work and helped us get out of the depression.