Is there an all of the above? I guess if I had to answer, i would say A. Grest battles
Orator: is a person that demonstrates outstanding skill and power as a public speaker.
State's rights: is the belief that the country was founded by and for the states, and where each state keeps final power for itself.
Tariff: is a tax or duty on goods brought from a foreign nation
Nullification: is the act of canceling something, when one thing overcomes or overrides another, basically erasing the effects of the first thing
Great Debate: was between Senator Hayne of South Carolina and Senator Webster of Massachusetts on the topic of protectionist tariffs
I think its A hope this helps
God Bless
Cherokee leader John Ross sent a a letter to Abraham Lincoln in 1862. In this document, Ross stated that the growing pressure over his people forced them to support the Confederacy during the American Civil War. Also, he claimed for the Union to ratify the existing treaties in order to maintain the inegrity and welfare of the Cherokee Nation. Ross however, stated that his people supported the Union cause.
A second source of the letter is the analysis that you can find in the book "The Cherokee Diaspora" by Gregory Smithers which provides new elements over the motivation of Ross when wrote the letter and also the deep division within the Cherokees.
By reading the book, the readers can find the motivations why Ross and a part of the Cherokee nation were reluctant to side one of the factions during the Civil War. Also, readers can understand what happened aftermath and the consequences still remained until 21st century.