Those are called dynamic movement exercises because they involve movement of the joints and active movement of certain muscles.
I’m not an expert on the field, but based off of process of elimination and what I do know, I’d say b.
source: HealthGuidance for better health
‘static’ – meaning still/motionless, and ‘contraction’ – meaning to tense the muscles and use them. So the idea then in static contraction is simply to force your muscles to work without actually moving. That might sound ridiculous, but it doesn’t mean simply standing on the spot tensing but using a different technique to work muscles without moving – pushing or pulling against an immovable force. F
Care team would tell him that it is mild or moderate sprain and he is to keep his hand immobilized for few days to few weeks.
Sprain is a common injury for all type of athletes. Moderate sprains heals on their own all you need to do is let it rest for few days atleast 48 hour to few weeks (depending upon its severity). Ice your wrist in order to lessen the swelling and pain, use of bandage to compress the wrist is very useful, and use of cast or splint to keep the arm immobilize for few days is beneficial, however use of splint for long time could have negative effect of stiffness of muscles.
Asprin, Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) , Oxaprozin, Ketoprofen