ICT is the abbreviated form of Information and Communication. It included different technologies like mobile phones, computers, USBs etc.
Following are two precautionary measures which should be observed when using any kind of ICT:
- Use of Antivirus: It can used to protect anything placed inside the technology especially from hacking and viruses which can create many issues.
- Backup Data: Creating a backup of the data stored in the device is important as it can be recalled when the device malfunctions. Backup of the data can be created through using USBs, CDs etc or through cloud storage
The following code is written in Python. It creates a variable that detects the current time. Then it loops through a range of numbers and chooses the last random number after 2 seconds. Finally, it prints that number to the screen. This function can be called countless times depending on the number of state lottery numbers needed.
import random
import time
start_time = time.time()
while time.time() - start_time < 2:
lottery_number = random.randint(0, 48)
To convert a decimal number to a binary number we have to constantly divide the decimal number by 2 till the decimal number becomes zero and the binary number is writing the remainders in reverse order of obtaining them on each division.
Hence the binary number is 10111.001
To convert binary to hexa decimal we to make a group 4 binary bits starting from the decimal and moving outwards if the last group is not of 4 then add respective 0's and write the corresponding hexa decimal number.
<u>0001</u> <u>0111</u> . <u>0010</u>
1 7 2
Hence the hexadecimal number is 17.2
Well the background sound is the sound of course in the background and the nat sound is the curremt sound
key differences between linux and windows operating system linux is free and open resource whereas windows is a commercial operating system whose source code is inaccessible windows is not customizable as against linux is customizable and a user can modify the code and can change it looks and feels
I hope this helps