The question you want to ask is if you hit your point and stayed on task, that's what determines your overall grade. The rest, such as details unrealated to main idea, spelling and grammatical errors, and text supporting words are minor peices that barely count to anything. As long as your text is clear and gets a point across, the rest will fall into place.
1. What is a thesis?
A thesis statement clearly identifies the topic being discussed, includes the points discussed in the paper
2. What is figurative language? Provide three examples.
3. What are some ways to assess the credibility and accuracy of an Internet source?
Examine the source's and author's credentials and affiliations.
Evaluate what sources are cited by the author.
Make sure the source is up-to-date.
4. What is the difference between the denotation and the connotation of a word?
Denotation: The direct definition of the word that you find in the dictionary.
Connotation: The emotional suggestions of a word, that is not literal.
5. What are three ways to avoid plagiarism?
Keep track of the sources you consult in your research.
Paraphrase or quote from your sources and add your own ideas.
Credit the original author in an in-text citation and reference list.
C - Pass
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