Melanie is using<u> "critical" </u>thinking.
Critical thinking is the capacity to think what to do or what to accept. It incorporates the capacity to take part in intelligent and independent reasoning.
Critical thinking doesn't involve accumulating data. A man with a good memory and who knows a great deal of realities isn't really great at basic reasoning. A basic mastermind can find outcomes from what he knows, and he knows how to make utilization of data to take care of issues, and to look for relevant sources of data to educate himself.
One way is Europeans generally exploited natives in every one of their colonies.
Check explanation.
A border is a line showing the boundaries between states or countries. So, a border state can be likened to a state that marks the territory of one country. Border States are those states that do not that did not want to join Confederacy, they are also known for their involvement in slave trading. Some of the border states are Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia and so on.
The importance of the location of Maryland border and that of Delaware is that they both contributed to the success of the Union because of their loyalty towards the Union during the war. Also, these border states have good lands for the production of crops, they have fertile land for farming which also contributed immensely during the war.
The correct answer is : Females are supposedly attracted to males who appear healthy and bold, which encourages males to behave this way.
Women prefer to stick-around dads. They prefer mates with the potential for long-term mating. They are more attracted to men who are dominant, bold, affluent and seem mature. What they look for are protection and support. They have a need to feel safe and there is an instinctive desire to feel protected by a man.