Challenge your muscles to work harder or longer than they usually do
If you have any melatonin gummies those might help. medication like benadryl, nightquil, or other over the counter sleep medications could help in the future. taking a walk, taking a bath or shower, and smells from essential oils or flowers could also help. and relaxing nature sounds can help
has some undestanding of the self
Emotion is a physical and emotional sensation that is triggered by some stimulus, which can be a feeling or an event. Experiencing emotions is very personal, they can be felt differently by each person. Complex emotions are even more personal and require a degree of self-awareness so that you can feel these emotions fully. For this reason, Molly will need to have a knowledge of herself to be able to fully experience some more complex sensations such as guilt, embarrassment or pride.
never lift a patient on your own, never pull a patient and you would never just tell a patient to do it themselves
You can stop any bleeding by appling the necessity pressure to the wound. Make sure that you use a sterile bandage, a clean cloth or a clean piece of clothing.
Immobilize the injured area. ...
Apply ice packs to limit swelling and help relieve pain. ...
Treat for shock.