I think there's a typo in the question, otherwise they probably meant a 'she', since the name is Maureen.
Also, the answer is Personal hygiene and grooming.
It depends because if you put a stamp on the envelope. But I think that it will still get to the destination. I think that it will either get sent to the destination or not. But you never know what is going to happen.
False, the categories of software applications are not mutually exclusive.
Question is incomplete. it needs a topology diagram and also it needs Router R1 table. I assume User has access to the topology and Routing table.
Below Configuration will help to fix ACL problem
Hosts from the network should have full access to Server1, Server2 and Server3 but this is not currently the case, as L1 can’t communicate to Server2 or Server3.
Following Configuration on Cisco Router R1 will help to fix all the ACL problems.
configure terminal
no ip access-list standard FROM_10
ip access-list standard FROM_10
deny host
permit any
no ip access-list standard FROM_172
ip access-list standard FROM_172
permit host
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip access-group FROM_192 out
write memory