A cookie consent banner is the cookie warning that pops up on websites when a user first visits to the site. It's the website banner that <em>declares</em> the cookies and tracking present on a website and gives the users a choice of prior consent before their data is handled.
<em>Most definitely, Tony would lose due to the integration clause.</em>
An integration clause <em>requires a short paragraph to be inserted into a written contract to confirm a final deal between two sides.</em>
Since drafting a written contract, it may fail to be fully checked by one of the parties involved to ensure that all provisions are included and that both parties sign the contract, which Tony failed to consider.
If this happens, one party could contend that the other failed to uphold a particular condition or phrase that they consented to verbally.
Explanations below
Explanation:A) Sole proprietorship: sole decision making by the proprietor
B) General partnership: there is a profit sharing ratio as agreed by partners
C) Public corporation: it is independent of government.
D) Government corporation: Government has 100% ownership or partly owned with over 50% shares.