A switch connects multiple devices to a network. ... devices are usually integrated into a multipurpose network device
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Following are the description to the given points:
To resolve basic design restrictions, EBNF has also been developed.This principle was its lack of support can identify repeatings easily. It implies that popular BNF models, like the description of a sequence of replicable elements, are complicated and rely on contra intuitive logical math.
To set a list of words divided by commas (e.g. john, coffee, logic) for instance, we would like to say something like "a list is a word accompanied by a few commas or terms." Through EBNF, they may say so. However, there have been no "many" alternatives in the standard BNF format. So, to describe something such as "a list is a term or a number accompanied by a pair with notation and script," you have to say the same thing. Which functions, although it is difficult, as it specifies a variety of lists instead of a specific list.
Essentially, "john, coffee, logic is John's list, accompanied by coffees or, and logic" would be the earlier link. That's why in Option (a):
The return statement in Java is:
return ('”‘ (~[“] | ” [”e‘])*);
In option (c), it is the valid statement.
The above query gives an error.
- The query gives an error because is not the correct syntax of the select or inserts query.
- The syntax of the select query is as follows: "select Attributes_1_name, Attributes_2_name,...., Attributes_n_name from table_name;".
- The syntax of the insert query is : "insert into table_name (column_1_name, column_2_name,...,column_n_name) values (column_1_value, column_2_value,...,column_n_value);".
- The syntax of the insert and select query is : "insert into table_name (select Attributes_1_name, Attributes_2_name,...., Attributes_n_name from table_name);".
- But the above query does not satisfy any property which is defined above. Hence it gives a compile-time error.
The major goal of systems analysis and design is to improve organizational systems. Often this process involves developing or acquiring application software and training employees to use it. Application software, also called a system, is designed to support a specific organizational function or process, such as inventory management, payroll, or market analysis. The goal of application software is to turn data into information. For example, software developed for the inventory department at a bookstore may keep track of the number of books in stock of the latest best seller. Software for the payroll department may keep track of the changing pay rates of employees. A variety of off-the-shelf application software can be purchased, including WordPerfect, Excel, and PowerPoint. However, off-the-shelf software may not fit the needs of a particular organization, and so the organization must develop its own product.
Information systems analysis and design is a method used by companies ranging from IBM to PepsiCo to Sony to create and maintain information systems that perform basic business functions such as keeping track of customer names and addresses, processing orders, and paying employees. The main goal of systems analysis and design is to improve organizational systems, typically through applying software that can help employees accomplish key business tasks more easily and efficiently. As a systems analyst, you will be at the center of developing this software. The analysis and design of information systems are based on:
Your understanding of the organization’s objectives, structure, and processes
Your knowledge of how to exploit information technology for advantage