Study of evolution; evolutionary
This is the study that looks at the characteristics that we inherited from our ancestors .
Due to evolution our inherited traits have changed over time in order to adapt with the change in the environment or with the changing conditions of each time.
This may mean that even though our ancestors were able to tolerate such fats it was because it was necessary for their survival at that particular period and their body demanded it .
However the time and the conditions have changed for us, we are no longer living under conditions that demand that much fats in our bodies hence those traits have weakened .
The doctrine was called the Manifest Destiny.
conditioned response
conditioned response is voluntary response which is developed by training anybody to respond in a particular way if he is facing a particular stimulus.
It is part of study of classical conditioning in which one is trained to behave in certain way if a particular thing happens/event to him. by method of repetition and training to behave in specific way in a specific situation. Now if he faces that situation normally , he behaves in trained way even though he is forced to behave so. This response is conditioned response.
Here, Taye was trained to salivate to bell. Hence when he heard bell, he salivated and thus showed conditioned response.
To educate themselves about the products they are interested in, including the benefits and potential costs or problems