Following are the program in c language
#include <stdio.h> // header file
int main() // main method
char name[90]="mantasa"; // storing name
char add[90]="120 lal bangla mumbai"; // storing address
printf("\n Name:%s\nAddress:%s",name,add); // print name and address
return 0;
Address:120 lal bangla mumba
In this program we are declaring the two array of char type which will store the name and address . after that we display name and address.
If statement condition always returns true or false,which is a boolean data type.
X is true or false
it maybe a variable or an expression.
Anxiousness and depression
Suicidal Thoughts
Three major side affects of cyber bullying are
- Anxiousness and depression
- Suicidal Thoughts
- Anger
Anxiousness and depression
Cyber bullying takes away self esteem and self confidence.Lack of self esteem makes person to feel bad about him/her self and lack of confidence makes taking daily life decision very difficult which all adds up to stress
Some people might feel powerless while others strike back on the bullies in anger.Unchecked anger can be very dangerous.Burning in the flames of anger a person will plot revenge and can go to any means for this. This starts a never ending bully-victim cycle
Suicidal Thoughts
Depression if not cured can lead to suicidal thoughts. When a person is felling low and have no self confidence death seems an easy way out.
There are three technologies used for implementing the SOA most commonly with Web services are UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery & Integration) , WSDL (Web Services Description Language) and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) .
Out of them XML technologies are Web Services Description Language (WSDL) and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).
WSDL is an XML language that describes a Web service.
SOAP is an XML Protocol and it is used by client application to communicate with web services.