The long struggle for copyright and, every day, a new chapter is written. At last, as conquered women or right to drive in Saudi Arabia. It seems small, but for those who depend on their husbands to come and go, it is an invaluable victory.
The origins of the feminist movement are closely linked to the claim for basic rights such as education, voting and labor. As much as there is a tendency to date it from the 1960s, acts of the last century can already be considered feminist.
The claims for women's rights began in the 18th century, but the word feminism did not appear even in the late 19th century. Considering didactically, the feminist movement has gone through three important moments throughout history.
When pioneers gathered their wagons together at the start of the trip, they elected a leader. This leader, or captain, would blow the horn or whistle to wake everybody up in the morning. He was also the one who decided when you would stop for lunch and at the end of the day.
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