Si entiendo correctamente lo que vemos en el espacio es el pasado porque el tiempo que tarda la luz de los objetos en el espacio en llegar a la Tierra significa que cuando "miramos planetas, estrellas y galaxias, en realidad estamos mirando hacia atrás en el tiempo".
She was in a long period of *prosperity*
prosperity: the state of being prosperous
The Basilica of Pompeii
In the southeast corner of the Pompeii Forum stood a building of Basilica. It was the oldest basilica of the time and represented one of the nicer buildings in the city and the Forum itself. Also one of the most important buildings in ancient Rome.
Inside it was divided into three naves naves with two rows of brick columns. Also the decoration was well done where the judges sat in wooden chairs and discussed acute situations.
It's purposes were:
- Solving business issues - legal matters
- Administration of Justice
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