Converting decimals into fractions is simple, all you have to do is think about the number, for example .25, if you look at it you realize it's 1/4 of 1, so it's naturally 1/4, you do this with all of them
23.7%, all you got to do is move the decimal to the right twice
It would be: if you want me to explain let me know
Those functions are for a graph.
Step-by-step explanation:
You can compare them by heading to a website like desmos and plugging in each function, I think they even do tables as well.
These are functions that can be graphed, I assume you know what that is, if not, look it up.
good luck
4' - 9.64
Step-by-step explanation:
Total rise = 2' - 7"
Total run = 3' - 9"
Converting to inches :
1' = 12" ; 1 feet = 12 inches
2' = 2 * 12 = 24"
3' = 3 * 12 = 36"
Total rise = 24" + 7" = 31"
Total run = 36" + 9" = 45"
Length of stringer = hypotenus
Hypotenus = √(total rise² + total run²)
Hypotenus = √(31² + 45²)
Hypotenus = 54.644304"
= 4' - 9.64"