7.980 divided by 0.19
You cant divide by decimals so with 0.19 you move the decimal over twice, so you get 19. You do the same with 7.980, which would be 798.0, which is 798. Then you do 798 divided by 19 which is 42. 42x19=798
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2x2x2x2x2= 32 qxqxqxqxq=q5
Answer: D: $5272.
Step-by-step explanation:
Considering that all of the information is given to you already, the only thing that you need to do is plugin 9 for n.
So the final equation will look like this: 
The answer comes out to $5272.46721451 but rounding that to the nearest dollar would be answer choice D: $5272.
The answer is 1 and 1/12 you can’t simplify the problem but this is the answer
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