Elizabeth should specialize in making pies.
Being that she makes pies faster than Benjamin and he makes cakes faster than her. Her area of specialization should be pies.
Armys, military branches ... Ect
Herbert hoover important in WWI because When the U.S. entered the war, President Woodrow Wilson appointed Hoover to lead the Food Administration, and Hoover became known as the country's "food czar". After the war, Hoover led the American Relief Administration, which provided food to the inhabitants of Central Europe and Eastern Europe.
They all depicted the role of women during the Second World War.
- The Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES) was the women's reserve of the US Navy.
- The Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) was the women's branch of the United States Army.
- "Rosie the Riveter" was a cultural icon that represented women who worked on manufacturing sites and shipyards during the war.
Jefferson opposed Hamilton's plan for the federal government to pay the domestic and state debts. He thought it was unfair to Southern farmers who had been forced to sell their bonds to Northern speculators during hard economic times.