1. C) The soil will have no nutrients to grow the corn.
2. C) Crops may cause an increase of allergic reactions in humans
3. B) Decomposers
Both genes and the environment
Both genes and the environment direct and produce human behaviors, personality traits, and even psychological disorders.
-Human behavior is determined by complex interactions of both nature and nurture. Genetic make up of a person together with the environment influences the physical and behavioral characteristics of an individual.
-Personality is a complex trait that is influenced by many different genetic and environmental factors. Personality traits are also polygenic trait because multiple genes are involved in determining these traits. Because a large number of genes each playing a small role in determining our personality, it is difficult to isolate and identify these genes.
Answer: The Answers are, A: happens all the time, D: can be caused by genetic drift, and E: can be caused by natural selection.

Last option: Preserve an ecosystem

• The establishment of a bird reservation is a way to preserve an ecosystem because reservation provides suitable environment to organism. A healthy ecosystem means large number of biodiversity.
Meat, fish and eggs.
Meat, fish and eggs are the foods that do not contain any or less carbohydrate, these foods are high in protein and fats. By looking on the nutrition label for the amounts per serving (in grams) of fiber and total carbohydrates, if there is no or less percentage of carbohydrates so by see the label we can say that whether the food has low or high amount of carbohydrates.