This means that the people that are representing. For example, "We the citizens" or "Us the Representatives".
Perhaps the best one might be able to say for the Munich Pact and the policy of appeasement is that it aimed to "give peace a chance" (as the song lyric goes), and that maybe it delayed the start of an overall European war. But it does seem that the ambitions of Adolph Hitler and the Nazi party were making war an eventual inevitability for Europe in the 1930s.
The policy of appeasement was signed by the prime ministers of Britain and France with Hitler in Munich in September, 1938. They had given in to Germany's annexation of the Sudentland as a German territory, including the evacuation of any Czech population from the region. After signing the Munich Pact, Hitler took control of all of Czechoslovakia (in March, 1939). Britain and France still did not pursue war with Germany when that happened. But when Germany invaded Poland in September, 1939, it was beyond clear that appeasing Hitler hadn't worked, and war was pursued.
B influence of diverse cultures on the united states
can u make this brainliest
The US navy was successful in driving back the Japanese forces in the Pacific was because the US was able to replace ships, airplanes, and soldiers faster than Japan could.