Islam spread successfully among groups historically located in agriculturally poor regions featuring few pockets of fertile land and in countries characterized by unequal land endowments. It was in these areas that the Islamic institutional arrangement proved appealing to the indigenous populations.
Ellas desarrollaron un imperio muy civilizado.
Entonces, a pesar de sus métodos bárbaros de conquistar la tierra, los mongoles tenían reglas, religión, comunicación, comercio y pautas de comportamiento. Es posible que muchos solo vean a los mongoles por sus brutales masacres. Pero una vez que obtuvieron la tierra, desarrollaron un imperio muy civilizado.
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South Carolina led the Secession Movement when they seceded on 20 December 1860.
One consequence of the Reagan's administration aid to right-wing El Salvador government was <u>the influx of Salvadoran asylum seekers into the United States</u>. This sparked a large politicized debate over immigration in the U.S. that ultimately helped to shape the legal and political American debate about it.
The Reagan administration's (1981-1989) large military aid to right-wing coup and government in El Salvador served also as legitimization and sustenance of the regime. The El Salvador civil war lasted almost 13 years (1979-1992).
American support of the right-wing government happened through financial aid and military training by American officers. This was a conflict typical of the Cold War so it was driven by red scare. Americans' support of the regime attempted to forestall any type of social revolution based on leftist ideologies, represented by the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front which was fighting against the military coup that started in 1979.
This led to Americans training and supporting a military that tortured thousands of people. One of the Salvadorean strategies against the rebels was to target civilians so they wouldn't support the Liberation Front.
The legitimization happened as the U.S. supported internationally the Salvadorean regime and as American officers took high-level positions in the government.