It is true that one-toed horse of today steadily evolved from its five-toed ancestor.
- Evolution is the law of nature.There is a continuous process of evolution in each biological species in nature.
- Similarly, horses had 5 toes millions of year back, but according to the theory of gradualism their use decreased and toes started fusing.
- Now, its only one toe at present but the vestigial left over provides the solid evidence for the fact that horses had 5 toes in the past.
its a becoz it is the characteristic of asexual reproduction to form daughter cell genetically identical to parent cell and to each other
Plants exchange two gases in the atmosphere i. e. oxygen and carbondioxide. Carbondioxide is entered into the plant body through small opening called stomata which are present on the surface of leaves. Carbondioxode is used as a raw material in the process of photosynthesis. Oxygen is produced in the end of photosynthesis process and releases in the atmosphere.
liway sm but i don't know that