register with their states to vote.
The purpose of the voting registeration is to ensure that there is no illegal votes conducted to manipulate the resut.
Without the registration, citizens from other states could come to different states in order to vote for their candidates multiple times without getting detected
<em>The symbolic gesture used by the monks excommunicating excommunicating government officials, military and supporters is upturned begging bowls.
<em>The monks in Myanmar protested against high fuel prices by refusing to accept alms.</em> They held the bowls they use to beg for alms upside down by showing its black lacquer surfaces out.
By refusing to accept alms from military rulers and families the monks were excommunicating them from Buddhist religion.
<em>The number of monks and soldiers in Myanmar is almost equal and monks are the ultimate moral authority in Myanmar. </em>
Karma is the Sanskrit word for "action" or "doing something." It comes from an earlier Indo-European word meaning "to make" or "to do". The idea of karma in the Indian religion of Hinduism was that whenever you did anything, it affected your future life, and especially your reincarnation.According to Hindu ideas of karma, if you did something good, especially something for other people, you got good karma and this would help you in the future. For instance, if you helped a friend to understand the assignment, you would pile up some good karma that might make sure the teacher asked you only questions to which you knew the answers. On the other hand, if you did something bad, like killing a spider, you would get bad karma, and maybe when you fell down you would scrape your knee. Americans sometimes say, "What goes around comes around."In Hinduism, people saw your karma as something given to you by the gods, who decided everything that happened. In Buddhism, though, the gods were left out of it, and karma just happened naturally: good deeds lead to good results, just as apple seeds lead to apple trees. In fact, the whole idea of karma - that it matters whether you are good or bad - may not go back much before the beginnings of Buddhism, maybe about 500 BC. Karma may be an idea that came to India from other cultures, maybe from Chinese Taoists or Buddhists, who were beginning to visit India at this time as the Silk Road got started.