Identical twins are formed through the process of meiosis where a fertilised egg separates to form two identical cells with a common genetic information.
Fraternal twins on the other hand are developed from the fertilisation of two different eggs and two sperm cells. This type of twins possess unique genetic information.
Because Lumbricina ( Earthworm ) Is a living, breathing, animal
E. will have the same genes at the same locations
Homologous chromosomes are the pairs of chromosomes. The members of a homologous pair are genetically and morphologically similar to each other. One chromosome of a homologous pair is inherited from the father while the other one comes from the mother.
Genes have two or more alleles. The alleles of a gene occupy the corresponding position on the homologous chromosomes. These specific positions of alleles of a gene are called loci. Therefore, a particular locus is occupied by alleles of the same gene on two homologous chromosomes.