You can compare fractions by using the benchmark fraction of 1/2. To use this in order to make comparisons, you will need to look carefully at what the numerator and The denominators are in a fraction. If the top number, the numerator is less than half of the denominator, then the fraction would be less then the benchmark 1/2. If the numerator is more than half of the denominator then the fraction would be more than the benchmark 1/2. For example, 3/4 is more than 1/2 because the numerator of three is more than half of the denominator 4.
To use the equation we need a1 and d(the common difference).
We have a1 = 57, we need to find d.
93-84 = 9; 84-75=9; 75-66=9; 66-57=9
d = 9
a350 = 57 + (350-1)(9)
a350 = 57 + (349)(9)
a350 = 57 + 3141
a350 = 3198
he gets alot of money and is very good at what he does
so his income per year is around
551,800$ a year your welcome
but if we are doing and average
i need to devide by 2
so his average a year might just be
275,900$ a year
vote brainliest hope this helps
Step-by-step explanation:
x= -9......................
Answer: 36 moles oxygen
Step-by-step explanation:
C10H8 + 12O2 ====》 10CO2 + 4H2O
From the equation of the reaction,
1 mole of napth requires 12 moles of O2
3 moles of napth would require x moles O2
X = (3 * 12) / 1
X = 36 moles of oxygen.
Therefore 3 moles of naphtalene (C10H8) would require 36 moles of oxygen