A) The developer must supply a comparator object belonging to a class that implements the Comparator interface
The comparator interface handles the ordering (sorting) of user-defined classes, it does this by comparing two different objects from different classes. The comparator interface works by accepting a method which extracts a key for sorting of a type say N, and returns a comparator that compares to N, it therefore compares the object (current one) with the specified one
Program for measurement in meters and then converts it into miles, feet, and inches:
void main()
{ float meter, mile, feet, inches;
cout<<"enter meters";
mile= meter×0.000621371;
inches= meter×39.3701;
cout<<"Value of"<<meter<<"meter"<<"in feet is"<<feet<<"feet":
cout<<"Value of"<<meter<<"meter"<<"in mile is"<<mile<<"mile";
cout<<"Value of"<<meter<<"meter"<<"in inches is"<<inches<<"inches";
they should use Ethernet! it offers fast and easy setup, and is just plug and play!
I type of shape, or a pointing index finger
Bill Gates is a technologist, business pioneer, and altruist. He experienced childhood in Seattle, Washington, with a stunning and steady family who empowered his enthusiasm for PCs at an early age. He dropped out of school to begin Microsoft with his beloved companion Paul Allen. He wedded Melinda French in 1994 and they have three kids. Today, Bill and Melinda Gates co-seat the beneficent establishment bearing their names and are cooperating to give their riches back to society.
Bill experienced childhood in Seattle with his two sisters. His father, William H. Doors II, is a Seattle lawyer and one of the co-seats of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. His late mother, Mary Gates, was a teacher, University of Washington official, and executive of United Way International.
This is just a short biography and not a full one.