The Bering Strait Land Bridge is a good example of this. During the Ice Age, humans from Asia migrated to what now is called North America in order to thrive in new lands, with new farming style.
A island is an area of land where water surrounds it.
The correct answer would be, Informal Education.
Informal Education may occur almost anywhere, but for young children, it has traditionally occurred primarily in the homes, with their parents as their teachers.
Informal Education is the learning that a baby learns without going to the formal institution of learning like Schools. Informal Education traditionally occurs at home, when baby's parents try to make their child learn about different things like colors, alphabets, shapes, etc. Such informal education is given to the child by the parents before entering into the formal world of education.
Answer: Public Good
In medieval Europe an important technological advance was the use of the padded horse collar for plowing.
Once this idea was thought of, other people used it. This illustrates that knowledge is generally a public good.
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