Nitrogen is a major component by which plants use sun energy to produce sugars from water and carbon dioxide. (It is also a major component of amino acids)
Fertilization-the action or process of fertilizing an egg, female animal, or plant, involving the fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote.
This means that the answer is The fusion to two cells to form one single cell known as the zygote
It would be expierments and it would be change per time or it could also be change per minute
Bacteria provide genetic engineers with <u>_vector_ </u>and <u>_host_.</u>
Vector are vehicles or carriers which are used to carry the gene of interest. They are usually plasmids which are bacterial circular genome which can replicate independently.
Hence bacterial plasmids are used for the insertion of gene of interest and its transfer to the host cell.
As plasmids is taken from the bacteria, so mostly bacteria is used as the host for the gene of interest.