I believe it’s B)LAN
A LAN connects computers over a relatively short distance, allowing them to share data, files, and resources. For example, a LAN may connect all the computers in an office building, school, or hospital. Typically, LANs are privately owned and managed.
The solution code is written in Python.
- def mult2_diff(lst):
- num_list = []
- for x in lst:
- num_list.append(x * 2)
- diff = num_list[0]
- for i in range(1, len(num_list)):
- diff = diff - num_list[i]
- print(diff)
Firstly, based on the requirement stated in the question, define a function <em>mult2_diff() </em>that takes one argument, <em>lst</em>, which is a list of numbers (Line 1).
This function is expected to multiply each number in the list by two and then followed with computing the difference. To do so, let's try to attempt the first function task, multiplying numbers. Create a new list, num_list, to hold the multiplied numbers (Line 2). Use a for loop to traverse through each number in the input list, <em>lst</em>, and multiply each of them by two and add it to the <em>num_list </em>(Line 4-5).
To attempt the second function task, create another variable, <em>diff</em>, to hold the value of calculated difference between the numbers in the <em>num_list</em>. Initialize <em>diff </em>with the first number in the <em>num_list</em>. Use a another for-loop to traverse through each number in the num_list starting with second index, <em>1</em>, and calculate the difference between the <em>diff </em>and the current number extracted from the <em>num_list </em>through indexing.
At last print the output of <em>diff</em> (Line 11).
Span and div are both generic HTML elements that group together related parts of a web page. However, they serve different functions. A div element is used for block-level organization and styling of page elements, whereas a span element is used for inline organization and styling.
When we talk about the email address and the different parts, we can mention for example:
Firstly the username, always an email address starts with a username, next we must use the symbol @, for example:
peter @
michael @
we can add numbers or some characters
henry_98 @
The last part is the domain name, this is the email's company.
Most computer devices are connected to the computer through port
Keyboard through usb port
Printer through usb port
Hand point device through usb port
Also computer equipped with LPT port for printers and COM port for additional devices like external modems e.t.c