The piece of work that had a great impact during the American Revolution because it was written in an understandable way was "Common Sense", a pamphlet published by Thomas Paine in 1775-1776.
It read aloud and circulated among public houses, taverns and public meeting places and, written in clear and understandable prose, it presented political and moral arguments for the independence. The text was written in the form of a sermon and while the arguments contained complex political, democratic and moral reflections, it was written to address the common man so anybody could read it, understand it and debate about them.
This addressing style and the readership it achieved made "Common Sense" an impressive piece of propaganda towards American Independence.
When it comes to the us becoming a imperial power, their main goal was economic expansion. now their ideals were good but since they started being an imperial power the economy has gone rather worse. so to answer your question their goals were good not have not been achieved.
Emmett till is a 14 year old African American that was lynched in 1955.
Emmett was accused of offending a white woman in a grocery store in mississippi, as a result the womans husband abducted Emmett and mutilated him and dumped him into a river. His death drew attention to the mistreatment of African Americans.
An empresario is someone that has been granted permission to settle land.