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equitable relief
A court refers to an enclosed space such as a hall or chamber where legal practitioners (judges, lawyers or attorneys and a jury) converge to hold judicial proceedings.
A lawyer refers to an individual who has obtained a law degree and is saddled with the responsibility of giving legal advice, initiate and execute lawsuits for his or her clients. These legal practitioners are saddled with the legal responsibility of listening to evidence and give a verdict about legal cases.
An equitable relief also referred to as equitable remedy can be defined as judicial remedies granted to an aggrieved person by a court of equity, requiring that the other party act or refrain from indulging in a specific act because ordinary legal remedies couldn't provide the aggrieved party sufficient (adequate) restitution for an offense commited against him or her. Thus, an equitable relief (remedy) is an injunction granted by a court of equity requiring a party to a contract to either act (mandamus or specific performance) or refrain from indulging in a particular act.
In this context, when a court of competent jurisdiction awards or grants custody of a child to one parent rather than awarding it to the other, this is an example of equitable relief.
In conclusion, an equitable relief or remedy is typically a nonmonetary judgement granted by a court of equity when ordinary legal remedies fail to provide sufficient (adequate) restitution to an aggrieved party.
c) Statement of Net Position; Statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances; Statement of Cash Flows
Proprietry funds are accounts that are part of governmental institutions and non profits organizations and these require a high standard of transparency and accountability, so they are require to provide to the government the next statements: tatement of net assets; a statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in fund net assets; and a statement of cash flows.
This is accordingly to the summary of statements N. 34 from the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.