The main message of this excerpt is instint.
I believe the message is that, as well as dogs have his own instints (searching for food when they are starving, and fighting until death in order to get food), humans are not different, they will defend theirselves and their possessions until death. This situation does not mean that even when humans are acting because of his instints, they do not feel fear: when Bill says "I wisht they'd strike game somewheres, an' go away an' leave us alone." it means that they know they have to do something to make dogs go away even they do not like the situation and feel afraid, as well as dogs do but have no other option to survive than to follow their instints.
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When the panda bear thinks about sleeping
His hunger begins to speak
For the food he thinks about leaving
But sleep forces him to stay
When eating, sleep weighs
In sleep, hunger awakens him
Eat and sleep and live
While he strife
In the movie of his life
The panda bear dances
And moves as he fancies
True Oregon is in the northwestern states
The predicate is the part of a sentence that contains a verb and states something about the subject. In this case, the subject is Oregon, while the predicate is formed by the verb is, and one of the northwestern states is the predicate nominative.
The correct answer is C.
A possible theme of Ovid's "The Story of Daedalus and Icarus" is how human creativity can lead to amazing discoveries, gagdets and inventions; but at the same time these can easily lead to pain and suffering if used in the wrong way.
In the story, Daeadalus was a great inventor, but it was his own device that caused his son's death. Icarus' recklessness lead him to ignore his father's warnings about flying too high or too low, and his wrong usage of the man-made wings lead him to his doom.
The answer would completely be D