Answer: D The dark lake represents the evil of Grendel's mother, thus contrasting with the goodness of the Danes.
Beowulf is a warrior from Geatland who came to rescue the Danes from a monster known as Grendel who had been terrorizing the kingdom every night. Beowulf manages to kill Grendel but is then confronted by Grendel's mother who even though less powerful than her son, is a tougher opponent as she is full of revenge.
Beowulf goes underwater to fight her in a cave at the bottom of a dark lake and upon defeating her, a light shines into the cave. This was meant to imply that Grendel's mother was the evil that had been keeping the cave in darkness but now that she was defeated the light could now come in.
The colony from Jamestown, Virginia
In 1619, slaves from Africa were shipped to the British colony of Jamestown.
it is concerned with or relating to human behaviour, esp. the distinction between good and bad or right and wrong behaviour.
I'll help you don't worry. Don't stress out. Ok now English is easy especially when it comes to literature all you have to do is focus and try new things. Also open your mind and try to absorb things in instead of getting blocked in certain projects or subjects you don't understand. I suggest you honestly read my post to understand this subject better though to be honest I'm no teacher just a regular student.
Let's start.. Irony. What is Irony and how do you identify it? Well Irony in literature is just <span>playing around with words such that the meaning implied by a sentence or word is actually different from the literal meaning. Seem easy? Now how do you identify it? That's easy too. You just have to keep 3 things in mind there is verbal irony, dramatic irony and situational irony.
Watch these vids it's in utube:
This will explain things better. Now, you saw it? Good. Now based on all this knowledge you have earned can you identify what type of irony is in</span><span> the Missionary Society's meeting for the betterment of conditions for those poor Mrunas?
Don't worry if you still don't understand the subject you can ask me. Just not now since I'm a bit busy. I honestly hope that this helped. </span>
C. A plate of squid, their backs crisscrossed with knife markings so they resembled bicycle tires.