Growth and Maintenance. Share on Pinterest. ...
Causes Biochemical Reactions. ...
Acts as a Messenger. ...
Provides Structure. ...
Maintains Proper pH. ...
Balances Fluids. ...
Bolsters Immune Health. ...
Transports and Stores Nutrients.
In an oligopoly type of market, there are only few producers whom dominate the market. This is the market type wherein there are only small number of firms that control the majority of the market share. The opposite to Perfect Competition, wherein there are unlimited number of producers. In an oligopoly, since there are only a few numbers competitors, each firm is likely to be aware of each other's action.
Causes and increase in green house gasses such as CO2, N, and similar harmful gases.
The separation or division of the parent cell is called cytokinesis
Let's assume that the allele for yellow seed color is "Y" and the allele for green seed color is "y". Genotype of pure breeding yellow seeded plant would be "YY" and that of the green seeded plant would be "yy". A cross between YY and yy gives all heterozygous yellow seeded plants (Yy) in F1 progeny. Self pollination of two F1 plants (Yy x Yy) obtains F2 generation in 3 yellow: 1 green ratio.
The total population size of F2 generation = 2000
The proportion of yellow seeded plants in F2 generation = 3/4 (since the F2 phenotype ratio is given 3 yellow: 1 green)
Therefore, total number of yellow seeded plants in F2 progeny = 3/4 x 2000= 1500