A new study finds that the same impact that knocked Uranus sideways may have also created the planet's moons. ... However, Uranus is an oddball in that its axis of spin is tilted by a whopping 98 degrees (relative to the plane of the solar system), meaning it essentially spins on its side.
The correct answer is <u>D</u> -ovary for the left (female reproductive system) and Q-epididymis for right (male reproductive system).
Ovaries are the primary female sex organs that produce the female gamete (ovum) and several steroid hormones (ovarian hormones). The ovaries are located one on each side of the lower abdomen. Each ovary is about 2 to 4 cm in length and is connected to the pelvic wall and uterus by ligaments. The formation of a mature female gamete is called oogenesis. Oogenesis takes place in ovary and is initiated during the embryonic development stage when a couple of million gamete mother cells (oogonia) are formed within each fetal ovary.
Testis are the primary sex organ in males. Spermatogenesis is process by which sperm is produced in testis. Spermatogenesis starts at the age of puberty due significant increase in the secretion of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). This, if you recall, is a hypothalamic hormone. Sperms released from the seminiferous tubules, are transported by the accessory ducts. Secretions of epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicle and prostate are essential for maturation and motility of sperms. The seminal plasma along with the sperm constitutes the semen.
For him they were just discrete physical units of inheritance. Johanson coined the term "gene" and people started calling them genes. Today for us these factors are parts of DNA, the base sequences that carry the biological information to determine a trait. Mendel factors are alleles of genes.
I’m guessing in the chromosomes