I believe, to the best of my knowledge, that the answer that you're looking for here is the Orbital. Hopefully this helps.
The physical stimulus is the only part of the test that is measureable, and therefore, knowable. The stimulus is our anchor for our estimate of the listener's perception.
e.) If exposure to cowpox gives immunity to smallpox in milkmaids, then milkmaids have a natural immunity and their blood should be used to develop a smallpox vaccine.
- Milkmaids who suffered from cowpox did not suffer from smallpox i.e. they were immune to the disease.
- If milkmaids did not suffer from smallpox then there must be some element of immunity that they received once they had recovered from cowpox, this would likely be found in their blood as antibodies.
Graphite is well known to be pencil lead - You might actually learn this in Chemistry/Physical Science like we did!
Charcoal & coal you cannot use - you could but it'd be difficult and irritating.
Fullerene is the third form of carbon. It can be used for electronics AND medicine. Amazing right??