B. Hardiness.
According to the <u>Hardines</u>s theory developed by Kobasa and her colleagues, less stress will result if you perceive potentially stressful events as a challenge instead of a threat. The theory suggests that hardiness moderates the relationship between stressful life events and deteriorating health conditions. It maintains good health and changes threat into challenge.
1. The roads provided quick and reliable routes for the military who could get to trouble spots quickly and thus maintain law and order.
2. The roads made travel easy for civilians thus enhancing economic activities.
3. The roads made possible fairly fast communication to virtually every part of the Inca empire.
The Inca road system of Peru was the most extensive, traversing the Andes mountains and reaching heights of over 5000 m above sea level and covered approximately 22, 530 km.
Answer: Evan just used the process of metacognition.
Explanation: Evan decided to come over the disappointment that he had and consider what would be beneficial for him. He considered giving more importance to his passion for music and not the position. He came aware after thinking of the opportunity of learning that he would have in the band that he was selected in and thus decided to pursue it. He rethought his decision of quitting music and accepted what he was getting. This process of coming aware of the thoughts is known as metacognition.