the benefits of knowing 2 languages is that when you apply for jobs you apply as being bilingual and you have a better shot at getting a position that best suits both languages that you know and you get paid an ex amount of money due to being able to speak more than 1 language and being bilingual allows you to get a job faster then people who only know a single language
Answer: Kaasen and his dog were not tired. If Rohn were asleep, it would take time for him to get ready. They needed to get the serum to Nome as quickly as possible.
Explanation: It was the sample response
you: Mum and Dad, I need to have a word with you
Dad:- Sure.
You:- Can I please go to the ball with my friends.
Dad:- mhm I am not sure.
You:- Please, Micheal Jackson is showing Up for half an hour of so.
Dad:- what do say Sara(mum)
Mum:- I say we should let her go. When is this ball
You:- tomorrow 8 o clock
Dad:- In that case you have our permission to go.
You:- thank you
( you leave the room)
This question about your thoughts on differnt types of books, but I will tell you mine. You have to write your own.
I fell like informational texts are boring, but could be interesting. For example, if I am reading a book on the ocean animals. It would be boring, but ineresting at the same time beacsue I am learning something new. Autobiogrephis would be to when you are reading about a really cool person, like an astronought or storm chaser. This is how I feel about informational texts.
The right answer is letter c. This verb tense is formed by the auxiliar "have" or "has" plus the verb in participle form in this case is "won".