Vashti made a dot without painting by using a pen or pencil, tears or blood. Dots can be made by nearly anything, glue, chalk, yet just no paint.
A. describe details involved in completing the experiment...
None of these makes sense but I think this one makes the most sense. I may be wrong though don't quote me on it.
A play that ends with death is traditionally considered a tragedy.
A tragedy is a type of a play which ends on a sad note - usually, one (or sometimes many, even all characters) die, and usually in a very tragic way. Take Hamlet for example - almost everyone dies there: Hamlet, Gertrude, Claudius, Ophelia - almost every important characters is gone by the end of the play.
B) isn't the solution because they're talking about their campaign and party rivalry, but D) they're talking about pausing when they felt something predictable.