<span>An anthropologist would characterize the attraction to and sexual relationships between women as: homosexuality
Homosexuality is a tendency for a person to be only attracted to another person within the same sex/gender. Up until know, the scientific community still hasn't sure whether it's a genetic or psychological condition.</span>
ladies and gentlemen
these words work because they address everyone in the crowd and it's far more formal.
When you push your sister in the swing you are applying Newton's third law which refers to two objects that apply equal and opposing forces but since there is no other object on the other side of the swing then your sister is pushed and starts swinging. She continues accelerating forward and upward until gravity becomes too much and decelerates the swing until it stops at a certain point in the air. At this point Newtons second law applies, gravity begins to accelerate the swing downward which is multiplied by the weight of your sister in the swing to cause it to accelerate rapidly in the opposite direction which she was initially going.