Suppose that the proportion of the white crest alleles (r) is given by w and that of the Red crest allele (R) is given by p. We have that p+w=1. The probability that an individual has 2 r alleles is given by w*w since for each allele position the probability is w. Only these individuals have a White phenotype. Hence, we get that w^2=

; the right hand side is the proportion of white birds in the total population. Doing the calculations, this yields that w=0.37. From this, we calculate that p=0.63. The possible ways we have heterozygous individuals are the combinations Rr and rR. The probability for each of those is p*w. Thus, the total probability is 2pw. This is equal to 0.466=0.47. This is the fraction of the future population that is going to be heterozygous assuming the conditions of the Handy-Weinberg equilibrium like random reproductive matching etc.
One characteristic of life is that living things have different levels of organization
-They have both molecular and cellular organization
- They must have the ability to organize simple substances into complex ones.
- They organize cells at several types of levels, namely:
(a) Tissue- a group of cells that perform a common function
(b) Organ - A group of tissues that perform a common function.
(c) Organ system- a group of organs that perform a common function.
(d) Organism- any complete living thing.
Streams or rivers form when water that does not find an underground aquifer, drains off the land by either seeping through the soil or spilling over the surface into the river or stream bed.
Like transpiration in plants mammal's hypothalamus makes sweat glands functional and mammal's body secretes sweat which on evaporation decreases the body temperature