Generally speaking, motivation arises inside people as a consequence of: a. pain avoidance and unmet needs.
<u>The basic reasons behind motivation are quite primitive. We are motivated to do or not to do something when we want to meet our needs or when we wish to avoid pain. Therefore, we can think of motivation as the experience of desire and aversion. However, since we are complex beings, we should not think of the latter - aversion, pain avoidance - in a literal way. Pain may come in may forms.</u> When we know someone will give us a hard time if we do not take out the trash, we may very well feel motivated to do it. It is not physical pain, but it's pain nonetheless. On the other hand, we may feel the need to be praised and acknowledged. Thus, we take out the trash not to avoid, but to receive something instead, to meet that need. We hope the other person will compliment us for doing it.
America was the only major industrial nation that was not devastated by war. The economy benefited from an expanding internal market and heavy investment in research and development