How are new alleles created? Occasionally, DNA mutations occur in germ cells – cells destined to become eggs or sperm. In this case, the DNA mutation is copied into every new cell of the growing embryo following fertilisation. ... If the mutation affects a gene, it will result in a new version of that gene – a new allele.
The answer is oxygen and glucose
Bacteria to amphibians. amphibians started to turn to fish and some started walking to land. They started laying eggs and turning into reptiles. those reptiles started growing hair turning them into four legged mammals. the mammals then turned to primates which evolved into us.
This figure illustrates 3 hypotheses of how a cancer stem cell may arise: (1) A stem cell undergoes a mutation, (2) A progenitor cell undergoes two or more mutations, or (3) A fully differentiated cell undergoes several mutations that drive it back to a stem-like state.