one class is health-related fieldyk maybe B.Sc in Cardiac Care Technology
A. find problems that could cause a collision or breakdown
A pretrip inspection allows the driver to drive safely because he feels satisfied since he already had checked each and everything in the beginning. This increases the focus on driving. In addition to it there are less chances of happenings and technical faults in the vehicle. It also plays a vital role in the safety circumstances as well.
Heath Risks
While some side effects of steroids may be just a nuisance, others may be life-threatening. For example, using steroids has been associated with:
Liver problems
Heart problems
Blood clots
Physical Side Effects
Common physical side effects of steroid use include:
Acne or pimples
Scars or stretch marks
Premature hair loss in males
Deepened voice in females
Excessive growth of body and facial hair in females
Mental Side Effects
Steroid users may become overly aggressive or combative, a condition commonly referred to as “’roid rage.” Uncontrolled aggression causes some steroid users to become confrontational with friends and family; sometimes, they end up in trouble with the law.
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Miss Hawaii
There are many ways to spread body positivist
1. Stop Self-Criticism
2.Don't Criticize Others based on there body
3. Wear Whatever You Want(don't let ppl's stu pid hurtful words get you)
4.Seek Positive Role Models
Depending on the person, and the intake amount of course. But this can vary in many ways