OLTP(Online transaction processing) is the correct answer.
It is the database application that is used to catching the transection and that data or information which is related to the technology for the purpose of.
- Process that data and information which is related to the following rules of the business or company.
- It stores the data or information related to the online transaction.
- It also helps to modify the current data or information for the new data or information.
There are way in separating mixtures of chlorides salts such as that of sodium chloride and ammonium chloride. It can be done by crystallization, filtration or sublimation. If we want to separate the mixture, we have to heat up to 330-350 degrees Celsius and collect the gas that will be produced.
The answer is B.
If you press the tab key when you're in the last cell of a table, you will add a new blank row
d)"I have a really bad feeling about her. I don't know why."
A computerized light dimmer is one helpful development in lighting equipment. Computerized light dimmers help to control the brightness of light. These dimmers lower or increase the intensity of light. I first noticed light dimmers in a scene from the movie Children of Men. In a war scene, innocent people are shown running helter-skelter to save their lives. Artificial lights are used in scene to create that dark appearance in broad daylight, which makes the scene look gloomy and scary. It helped to generate the feeling of uncertainty and suspense through the proper use of lights. Light dimmers help light designers to create the exact atmosphere that the director demands for a scene. Also, because of dimmers, a light designer need not use extra accessories to diffuse light or make the scene brighter.
This is Plato's sample answer so take pieces out.