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Yes, it is true that early humans had to endure changes in climate and environment, since things like global warming and cooling, along with major events like the Little Ice Age, meant that the temperatures in the world were changing dramatically.
Germany was blamed for the war, Germany had to pay reparations to France and England, German disarment, and France got a bit of land from Germany.
There are various regions in Eastern Washington including the Palouse and the Channeled Scablands.
The Cascade Mountains divide the state of Washington into two regions: Western Washington, which is the part of Washington continuous with the Pacific Coast. It has a strong maritime climatic influence. On the other side of the Cascade Mountains, Eastern Washington has a more continental climate. There are actually 4 geographical or climatic regions of Eastern Washington: East Slopes of Cascade Mountains; Central Basin, the Okanogan, Spokane, Palouse area; and the Northeastern Mountains and the Blue Mountains region.
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