A. balance of free states and slave states
The Missouri Compromise of 1820 was very important for various reasons. The compromise itself resolved, for the time being, the dispute over where slavery should and could exist in recently acquired Louisiana territory. He urged that slavery did not exist above the 36 ° 30 'longitude. The exception was Missouri, which entered the Union in 1820 as a slave state under compromise.
In addition to Missouri, Maine also entered the Union as a free state (formerly part of Massachusetts) to balance the number of free and slave states in the nation. This seeks to achieve equality of slaves and free states, along with a balance in Congress.
The Compromise of 1850 was a set of laws passed in Congress that sought to address the issue of slavery, which soon divided the nation.
The legislation was highly controversial and passed only after a long series of battles on Capitol Hill. It was destined to be unpopular, as almost every part of the nation found something that disliked its provisions.
Yet the 1850 compromise served its purpose. It kept the Union apart for a while, and essentially delayed the outbreak of the Civil War for a decade.
Answer: can you post the answer to this??
d) they inspired more african americans to join the union army
Bottle neck effect
Any disaster could lead to sudden decrease in population of an organism thereby decreasing its gene pool. Such disasters triggers genetic drift commonly termed as bottleneck effect.
Due to decrease in the population, the frequency of occurrence of any specific trait reduces as the frequency of alleles responsible for any certain trait also reduces.
Since habitat loss will cause reduction in both space and resources for giant pandas and hence a large number of pandas will die thereby reducing the gene pool and hence frequency of an allele.