Switching from chains to cables in the building of roller coasters was important because cables are less likely to snap when hauling several tons of roller coaster cars full of people. Chains are made of linked, welded pieces of metal that can easily snap if they pull too much. Cables, while they can snap, are much less likely to do so, because they're a stretch of fibers, be it metal or other, without any potential weak spots.
Sorry it took so long.
In the story Battle Royal by Ralph Ellison. The white men view the narrator no different than the rest of his black community. He explains how he wanted to do his speech so bad, because he believed that only those men could see is true ability. He then encounters a problem with a fellow man who he said ruined everything, so he punched him in the chin. All of a sudden he hears a voice say "I got money on the big boy". The Author wants the leaders to see his true ability, and not just view him as another black man. He had experienced conflicts, but finally got his chance. Which was given to him by the school superintendent, and got a scholarship to the college of Negros. It took the author to go through humiliating and low situations to get to his goal. And sometimes no matter how much he tried he just couldn't meet eye to eye with the whites in power.
Answer: To start off, Saul was the first King of Israel.God (Jehovah)* gave Saul clue's or ideas that he would be kind of Israel and One of them where how When Jehovah made Saul pour oil on the man's head. Saul said to his self: " I did not think that he was good enough to be king". But God (Jehovah)* allowed saw to be kind because he saw some thing in Saul heart that would make Israel something better and would place to represent God (Jehovah).
you have to prewrite for it so you have to research it.
proof read? btw love it it was beutifull