Ask what you can do for your country."
President Kennedy, told the nation," Ask not what your country can do for you. (There is an unnecessary comma after "Kennedy.")
Social Networking makes it possible to reach many people in a very short time. This has led to the creation of a site that is involved in helping the community. Sites like Linked are dedicated to helping those people who are hunting for jobs. Candidates create their resume and CVs and upload them to these sites. Employers just need to make a search of the qualifications that they are interested in. They can also advertise for jobs on these sites and be sure of getting highly qualified persons. Social sites have also been involved in social care by spreading the news in cases of danger. Messages on these sites get to many people in a very short time and this greatly helps in saving many people from potential danger.
The answers to 1-3 are :
1. a.
2. a.
3. b.
He looks very polite, doesnt he?
He kills Macduff, which isn't there so D - None of the above.