What is this off of, can you give me more information so I can help you
As the head organ in the body which controls, monitors, supervises and influences the different organ system in the body and of the individual -characteristics, personality, traits, cognition, perception, intelligence, sensation and motor responses. The brain controls the endocrine system by its part, located somwhere in the medial temporal lobe called the hypothalamus, the master gland of the body. The hypothalamus influences every gland secretion and hormonal function that preceeds and proceeds in the body of an organism -growth, drives, sex, survival and etc.
The hypothalamus sends sgnals from the different gland organs in the body that either exhibits or inhibits the activity of that particular gland releasing hormone.
collisions between molecules and atoms push on the container creating pressure
70 decibels and above can cause damage if heard for a long time
120 decibels and above is considered an immediate threat