i hate to be doing this but personally Texas new mexico Arizona and California due to a shared border with mexico
Authoritative parenting
According to Baumrind there are four types of parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, negligent, and permissive.
The authoritative parenting style tends to set clear expectations for the child along with adequate support and nurturing.
Reasons are given to the child for an expected behaviour. So the child tends to be disciplined and able to think for themselves even when the parents are not there.
Communication occurs constantly between the child and the parent.
The given scenario exemplifies this when Angela's parents express clearly what is expected from her and why. They are generally warm and supportive of her and do not hesitate to show her affection and respect. She generally behaves whether her parents are with her or not.
el alcoholismo} provoca situaciones de disfunción familiar, violencia doméstica y deterioro de las relaciones entre los convivientes
Antecedentes familiares de abuso del alcohol u otros problemas de abuso de sustancias.
Exposición al alcohol a una edad temprana.
Antecedentes familiares de enfermedades mentales.
Alta presión arterial, enfermedad cardiaca, accidentes cerebrovasculare
Evite a las personas con las que usted normalmente bebería o los lugares donde tomaría.
Planear actividades que disfrute y que no impliquen beber.
Mantener el alcohol fuera del hogar.
By using the resources around them, plus forest soil is almost always very rich.
(If thats wrong i am so so so so sorry...)
Recruit candidates and support campaigns,Organize elections and inform voters,Organize the government
,Unite diverse interests and make collective action possible,Serve as loyal opposition to the political party in power